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What is a Spanish Non-lucrative Visa?

A Spain Non-lucrative Visa (Visado de Residencia No Lucrativa) is a long-term residency permit introduced by the government to boost the Spanish economy. It’s also known as a Non-profit Visa in Spain as it is designed for non-EU citizens with sufficient funds who want to retire or live in Spain without seeking a work permit or conducting business activities.

The non-lucrative residence visa requirements include the following:

  • A minimum income or savings proving you have enough money to live in Spain without looking to work
  • Private medical insurance
  • Criminal record certificate
  • Medical certificate
  • Minimum number of days spent in the country

How to Apply for a Spanish Non-lucrative Visa

There are a few different types of Spanish residence visas, and the application process for each can vary slightly. The Spanish Non-lucrative Visa application process is relatively straightforward, provided the applicant meets the visa requirements and can provide all the documents required.

  • You are a third-country national (non-EU/EEA and non-Swiss)
  • You want to live in Spain long-term
  • You have the necessary financial resources to support yourself and any dependents to live in Spain without working
  • You have a clean criminal record
  • You have adequate health insurance
  • You’re free of any illnesses listed under the World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Regulations 2005
  • You spend a minimum number of days in Spanish territory

Family members in a Non-lucrative Visa application

Immediate family members, including a spouse or common-law partner and dependent children, are eligible to receive a residency visa in Spain under a main applicant’s non-lucrative residence visa application. This is on the condition that the applicant can present proof of additional income to support each family member.

Non-lucrative Visa passive income requirements

As of 2023, the IPREM increased to €600, meaning the current minimum income requirement for a Non-lucrative Visa stands at €2,400($2,619.12) per month and the same income of €600 ($654.78) for each dependent. The income can also be presented in annual income or savings, which would be €28,800 ($31,450) for the main applicant, and €7,200 ($7,864) for each dependent.

Required documents

  • National visa form: Ensure that the application form is a Spanish application form and not one related to the EU
  • Valid passport with at least one year of validity and one blank page
  • A recent passport photograph with a white background
  • Criminal record certificates issued from all countries of residence within the five years prior to applying.
  • Public or private health insurance policy
  • Valid medical certificate to prove health
  • Documents to prove sufficient financial means
    i. Bank account statements for the last three months
    ii. An employee contract stating the salary
    iii. Proof of investments
    iv. Proof of other types of income; i.e., from a rented property
  • Non-lucrative Visa application form (EX-01)
  • A marriage certificate or document proving a common-law partnership if applying for a spouse or common-law partner

A sworn translation into Spanish by a sworn translator or interpreter registered in Spain is required for all non-Spanish documents. Family members in the application must also provide documents, such as a medical certificate, health insurance, and a criminal record certificate (if over 18)

Photo requirements for a Spanish Visa

The specific photo requirements for a Spanish visa may vary slightly depending on the type of visa and the consulate or embassy where you are applying. However, the following guidelines are commonly observed for Spanish visa photo requirements:

  1. Size: The photo should be 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm (1.38 inches x 1.77 inches) in dimension.
  2. Color and quality: The photo should be in color, clear, and high-quality. There should be no visible pixels, blurring, or distortion. It should be printed on photo-quality paper.
  3. Background: The background should be white without any patterns or distractions.
  4. Facial Expression: The applicant should have a neutral facial expression with both eyes open and looking directly at the camera. The mouth should be closed.
  5. Head Position: The head should be centered in the photo and positioned in such a way that the face covers around 70 to 80 percent of the photo.
  6. Lighting: The photo should have even lighting, without shadows on the face or background.
  7. Attire: The applicant should wear everyday clothing for the photo. Headwear is generally not allowed unless it is worn for religious or medical reasons. Uniforms must also not be worn.
  8. Headgear and Accessories: Except for religious or medical reasons, the applicant should not wear any headgear or accessories that may obscure their facial features. If the applicant has to wear glasses for medical reasons, the eyes should be clearly visible with no reflections or glare from the lenses. The frames should not cover any part of the eyes.
  9. Recent Photo: The photo should be recent, typically taken within the last six months, to accurately represent the applicant’s current appearance.

It is important to note that these guidelines are general, and it is recommended to check the specific requirements provided by the consulate or embassy where you will be applying for your Spanish visa.

Spanish Non-lucrative Visa Application Fees

The application fees for a non-lucrative Spanish residency visadepend on your country of origin. This is due to reciprocity measures that Spain has implemented against several countries.

The current application fees for a non-lucrative residence visa for Spain are:

  • €123 for citizens of the United States
  • €507 for Canadian citizens
  • €80 for all other nationalities
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How to apply for a Spain Non-lucrative Visa?

A Spanish Non-lucrative Visa can be applied for through the Spanish Embassy, Spanish Consulate, or a third-party organization that provides visa services on behalf of Spain in your country of residence.

The first step in applying for a Non-lucrative Visa is gathering all the documents required. You can apply for this residency permit up to 180 days before the intended travel date to Spain.

A Spanish Non-lucrative Visa can be applied for through the Spanish Embassy, Spanish Consulate, or a third-party organization that provides visa services on behalf of Spain in your country of residence.

The visa application process

The application process is as follows:

  • The qualified applicant: Spain’s Non-lucrative Visa applications must be submitted by the main applicant.
  • Make an appointment and submit the application and all the required documents: non-lucrative residency applications must be submitted in person by appointment only at a Spanish Embassy or Consular Office.
  • Proof of receipt: The Spanish Embassy will provide the main applicant with confirmation of the submitted Non-lucrative Visa application with a code that enables them to check the application status through a web portal.
  • Rectifying the visa application: The embassy may ask applicants to present any missing documents or provide additional documentation they deem necessary to proceed with the reviewal. They may also request applicants to make another visa appointment to attend a second interview.
  • Await a decision: The decision stage for a Non-lucrative Visa generally takes 90 days; however, this may be extended if further due diligence or documents are required.
  • Collecting the non-lucrative residence permit: The residence card must be collected in person by the main applicant within one month of its availability.
  • Denial of the residence visa: If a Spanish Non-lucrative Visa is denied, applicants will be notified in writing with the grounds on which the decision was made.
  • Appeals of refusal: If a non-lucrative residence card is denied, applicants may appeal for reconsideration to the same Spanish Consular Office within one month of the refusal notification. Applicants may also file an appeal with the High Court of Justice of Madrid within two months of receiving the notification of the refusal or dismissal of the reconsideration appeal. 

What to do after arriving in Spain with a non-lucrative residence permit

All foreign nationals, including each family member over 18, holding a Spanish Non-lucrative Visa or any other residence card must apply for their NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero) within one month of the date of their arrival in Spain.

What is an NIE number?

An NIE number is Spanish identification and tax number given to Spanish foreign residents as a form of national ID and to conduct legal or official activities in Spain. The NIE number is required for things such as opening a Spanish bank account, registering as an international student, paying taxes, or any other legal or professional activity.

The validity period of a Spanish Non-lucrative Visa

The initial Non-lucrative Visa is valid for 1 year. And it is renewable twice for 2 additional years, totaling 5 years of residency. You must spend at least 183 days of the year in Spain and continue to prove that you have sufficient economic means to support yourself to renew the visa.

After the fifth year of residency, you’ll be entitled to apply for permanent residence in Spain.

Can the Non-lucrative Visa lead to Spanish citizenship?

When planning to submit a Spanish Non-lucrative Visa application, applicants must know that this visa does not directly lead to Spanish citizenship.

To acquire citizenship in Spain, you must be naturalized, which generally takes 10 years of residency. You can apply for permanent residency in Spain if you maintain your non-lucrative resident status for 5 years.

Continuing permanent residence for a further five years will constitute eligibility for Spanish citizenship, provided that applicants enter Spain at least twice a year, leaving no more than five and a half to six months between each visit for 10 years.

How RCO immigration Helpline Can Help?

Expats and foreign investors can encounter many difficulties when applying for a Spain Non-lucrative Visa, which is why it is worthwhile to have an expert on hand to provide personalized Spanish visa throughout the application process.

Our specialists can help you with the following:

  • Minimize the visits you have to make to the designated country
  • Have someone who works solely on your behalf
  • Reduce the hassle associated with putting your application together
  • Acquire insider knowledge from someone with years of experience in the market

Let’s get you moving forward in your quest to obtain a Spain Non-lucrative Visa. Get in touch with us to book a free consultation

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    Invest: 0€
  • Visit In Person
    183 Days/Y
  • Time To Allocate
    6/12 M
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1. What is a Spain Non-Lucrative Visa?

  • A Spain Non-Lucrative Visa is a long-term visa that allows foreign nationals to reside in Spain for a year or more without engaging in lucrative employment. It is suitable for retirees, remote workers, and individuals who can support themselves financially without working in Spain.

2. Who is eligible for a Spain Non-Lucrative Visa?

  • Eligibility criteria may vary, but typically applicants should prove they have sufficient financial means to support themselves and any dependents, pass a background check, and meet health insurance requirements.

3. How long is the Spain Non-Lucrative Visa valid for?

  • Initially, it is usually issued for one year. It can be renewed in Spain for two additional years, and after five years, you may apply for permanent residency.

4. Can I work in Spain with a Non-Lucrative Visa?

  • No, the Non-Lucrative Visa does not allow you to work in Spain. It is intended for individuals who can financially support themselves without relying on employment in Spain.

5. Do I need to demonstrate a specific income level for this visa?

  • Income requirements can vary by region, but you generally need to prove a stable source of income or substantial savings to support yourself. Check with the Spanish consulate or embassy for the latest income requirements.

6. Can I travel freely within the Schengen Area with a Spain Non-Lucrative Visa?

  • Yes, the Spain Non-Lucrative Visa allows you to travel freely within the Schengen Area for up to 90 days within a 180-day period.

7. Is there a minimum stay requirement in Spain with this visa?

  • Typically, you are expected to spend a certain number of days each year in Spain to maintain your residency. The specific requirement may vary.

8. Can I apply for permanent residency in Spain with this visa?

  • After five years of continuous residency in Spain with a Non-Lucrative Visa, you may be eligible to apply for permanent residency.

9. Can family members accompany me with this visa?

  • Yes, spouses and dependent children can be included in your application.

10. Is it possible to convert a Non-Lucrative Visa to a work or business visa later?

  • Converting your visa type may be possible, but you will need to meet the eligibility criteria and go through the appropriate application process. Consult with Spanish immigration authorities for guidance.

11. How do I apply for a Spain Non-Lucrative Visa?

  • The application process involves gathering required documents, submitting an application to the Spanish consulate or embassy in your home country, and attending an in-person appointment. Procedures may vary, so check with the nearest Spanish diplomatic mission for details.
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