
Sep 22
Spanish Education System

How does the educational system work in Spain? Let’s start with the basics. How does the education system work in Spain and how is it organized? It’s pretty simple. It is structured in different phases or stages, which vary according to the age of the child. Some of these stages are completely free (you don’t need to pay […]

Sep 22
What is NIE Number in Spain 0 to 100

The NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero) is a tax identification number for foreigners in Spain. It serves as a unique identifier for non-Spanish citizens who need to engage in legal or financial activities within the country. The NIE number is essential for various purposes, including but not limited to: To obtain an NIE number, […]

Sep 17
Living in Spain Costs and FAQ

The Cost of Living in Spain by Person Here is a breakdown of the average cost of living in Spain, without rent, and the average costs in big cities like Madrid, compared to smaller coastal cities like Malaga. Figures are based on data from Numbeo. City Family of four Single Person Madrid €2,579.80 ($2,818.56) €743.10 […]

Jun 02
Multiple intelligence Test Services

يشمل القيام بإجراء الإختبارات التي بموجبها يتم قياس درجات الذكاء لدى الأطفال وذلك عن طريق تحليل البصمة، الأمر الذي سيمكن الآباء من الإلمام بقدرات أطفالهم، كما تتيح هذه التقنية إكتشاف المواهب والإمكانات الكامنة لدى الأطفال مما يمكن من تحديد نوع التعليم المناسب.

Jun 02
Special purpose Firm

هي المنشاة التي تؤسس للقيام بعمل معين بما يتوافق مع التشريعات النافذة.